The Alberta Liberal Party ran into some difficulties, in that an unknown number of proxy ballots that were counted may have been invalid.
The deadline for casting proxy ballots is next Friday, when the company will hold its annual meeting in Tulsa, Okla.
At issue is whether it could include copies of the company's proxy ballot.
He said his new status would give him greater freedom to get issues of shareholder rights put on proxy ballots.
To avoid costly legal fights against complicated takeover defenses, dissident shareholders become more likely to wrestle for control of boards through proxy ballots.
Fidelity has led institutional investors in turning the proxy ballot into a more easily used weapon.
The final count of the proxy ballots is scheduled to be announced July 5.
In the coming days, MCI is expected to file the regulatory paperwork needed to get a proxy ballot approved.
Carver's directors extended the deadline for the return of proxy ballots for two weeks, to Oct. 20.
Bank officials say some customers have ignored their appeal for the return of the proxy ballots because they are suspicious of the conversion process.