It can occur anywhere in the body, but most commonly in the pelvis and proximal long tubular bones.
The proximal bones of the leg and arm are disproportionately long and the distal elements are disproportionately short.
It typically occurs at the ends of long bones, proximal to joints and within the interior of vertebrae.
The metacarpals lie in the region between the proximal phalange bones and the carpal bones.
The transversal head originates along the entire third metacarpal bone, while the oblique head originates on the carpal bones proximal to the third metacarpal.
The metatarsophalangeal articulations are the joints between the metatarsal bones of the foot and the proximal bones (proximal phalanges) of the toes.
The standard set of X-rays for a skeletal survey includes X-rays of the skull, entire spine, pelvis, ribs, both humeri and femora (proximal long bones).
This is a series of X-rays of the skull, axial skeleton and proximal long bones.
Fig. 3.9 Proportions of proximal against distal ends of limb bones.
Strictly speaking this ankle isn't a crurotarsal joint in the previously discussed sense, as it's situated between the two proximal tarsal bones.