Because of the show's provocative topics, "We got angry letters all the time," he said.
At the common table, tenants pursued politics as the American majority does: as a provocative topic but an uninviting endeavor.
It's amazing how many traditional mysteries manage to slip some provocative topic into an otherwise well-mannered narrative.
Language in the hands of visual artists is a meaty, provocative topic that deserves attention.
In his work, Ranta focus on controversial and provocative topics among other things.
As a trained researcher, he was astounded that there were so little hard data on so provocative a topic.
General literary criticism also offers two ideas that present provocative topics for discussion here.
But that is all she has to say on that provocative topic.
He is speaking on a provocative topic - the risk involved in credit derivatives.
On the one hand it was an emotionally provocative topic.