They are more like provocative proposals than pieces of music you can live with.
Famous for his meticulously built works, his provocative unbuilt proposals, and his teaching, Kahn was one of the most influential architects of the 20th century.
For years, vouchers have been among the most provocative proposals for giving parents, particularly those living in troubled urban districts, more choice in their children's schooling.
His most provocative proposal was to let local school districts finance their share of education costs through local income taxes instead of property taxes.
In practice, of course, Team 10's principles were never so clear, and the most provocative proposals carried the seeds of inner doubt.
He includes some thoughtful and provocative proposals that deserve public discussion.
Mr. Rocard asked for the minister's resignation for having ignored guidelines requiring ministers to consult with the Government before making provocative proposals.
It presented the first official account of the events of October and advanced several provocative proposals.
Another provocative proposal will involve renewed emphasis on early education.
One possible result, according to Miller's provocative proposal, would be a country with universal health insurance, living wages and dramatically improved public education.