This provocative finding was confirmed in a study published last year.
In 2006, scientists announced a provocative finding: a retrovirus called XMRV, closely related to a known virus from mice, was associated with cases of prostate cancer.
Her most provocative finding was that Africans didn't really behave so differently from people in countries with much lower H.I.V. rates.
Perhaps the report's most provocative finding is that American officials had hoped that about 40 prisoners would be released by Laos in 1973; instead only 12 were returned.
Among the provocative findings is the possibility that sleep deprivation can cause mood swings in manic-depressives.
One of the most provocative findings in recent years has been the degree of parallel organization hidden within individual anatomical regions.
His surveys have revealed some provocative findings:
Some of his more provocative findings concern middle-borns.
The Girl Scout study is a mine of provocative findings and, of course, further questions.
"It is a provocative and intriguing finding," said Dr. George Jacoby of Harvard Medical School.