The migrations created a lingering bitterness, sustained by the provisional nature of the decisions that created it.
What distinguishes Wilson as a biographer is his willingness to acknowledge the provisional nature of evidence.
Everything was clearly of a provisional, temporary nature, liable to be rearranged at a moment's notice.
Therefore complex data derived methods which obscure rather than highlight the provisional nature or sensitivity of the models should not be developed.
Struggling not to blush, although failing, Erika told them, stressing emphatically the provisional nature of the interview.
But the Connecticut Senate race has cast the provisional nature of political friendships into particularly stark relief.
"Up From Zero" offers us a piece of New York City history that is also a situation report, by its nature provisional.
Some of the amendments, for example the references to the provisional nature of what we are doing, are of no real legal value.
Will you state that your executive texts are of a provisional nature while we await the adoption of the corresponding legal act?
However, its provisional and partial nature makes it more flexible than a traditional outline.