Bloc pot is now the provincial counterpart of the Marijuana Party of Canada.
The territorial legislatures also differ structurally from their provincial counterparts.
Reform also made inroads into rural central Ontario-traditionally the heartland of the Tories' provincial counterparts.
It is essential that Londoners have the same rights of access to acute health care as their provincial counterparts.
In Ramsey's eyes, her provincial counterparts are neither categorically adorable nor absurd, despite their indecipherable mutterings and behavior.
Most provinces have provincial counterparts to the three national federal parties.
Governors General make regular visits to Saskatoon, though at greater intervals than their provincial counterparts.
The camogie structure in Dublin was arguably the most successful in the country and differed from its provincial counterparts.
After 1867, the AG was split into a federal and provincial counterparts:
Despite the similarity in nomenclature, the federal riding encompasses a greater area and population than its provincial counterpart.