Liu Bei led his army to join with the provincial army.
When invaders appear, the first troops they will meet will almost certainly be from the provincial army.
Paolo fathered one son, Felice, who later became a renowned statesman and secretary of state to the provincial army.
Quiroga entered the provincial army and quickly rose to its command, gaining control of the government through his charisma.
In reality these forces operated independently from Yan's provincial army.
This is most likely in those provinces where the pool of Roman citizens was not large enough to fulfill the provincial army's recruitment needs.
His work on the imperial Roman army and imperialism traces various functions of the provincial army.
Although a praetorius since 59 or 58, a consulship with its subsequently provincial army was not forthcoming.
Brizuela joined forces with Quiroga and was commander of the provincial army during the following years.
Praetors administered civil law, presided over the courts, and commanded provincial armies.