Some provinces are already making a version of it happen, doing an end run around Baghdad's non-functioning ministries and spending money directly on local reconstruction.
These provinces have also made commitments regarding the reduction and announced concrete steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Also, for those in Canada certain provinces make this unenforceable.
But it remains to be seen whether the provinces will make good on their promises.
"More to the point is what the provinces will make of it," Armstrong said.
The province made the move just hours after a report by an independent auditor made the recommendation.
For him, the provinces made sense not as descriptive units but as products of a historical process that explained their existence in purely natural terms.
They also believe that smaller provinces would make the coordination of pan-regional efforts more difficult and, consequently, affect economic development.
The province makes almost 70% of the apples and pears of the country.
The Liberals were the only party with a strong base in both provinces, thus making them the only party capable of forming a government.