Apart from providing her with an excuse to respond to his card, the idea in itself was a perfectly good one.
Most important, she provided him with an excuse to give to all his women as to why he couldn't marry them.
He would be glad to help, as long as it provided him with an excuse to hang around.
She obviously hadn't expected Jessamy to provide her with an excuse for staying longer at the house.
In fact, she had arrived before anyone else, as if afraid that being late would provide someone with an excuse to leave her behind.
If nothing else, it would provide him with a fine excuse to see her, pass the time of day.
He was only mocking you-for you provided him with an excuse.
If the person will not provide you with an excuse, the next best thing is to manufacture one.
He set it up to provide him with a legal excuse for murder.
"And that will provide you with a fine excuse to run off hunting elephants."