LKI trades only with companies that provide such warranties, guaranteeing the conflict-free origin of the diamonds on their invoices.
Some dealers provide limited warranties, and most sell extended warranties.
But the business of providing extended warranties for cars is becoming more challenging, said John Zinno, an assistant vice president at Geico.
Even a conversion of an older building to condominium can subject the developer to providing warranties to its owners.
So, not suprisingly, the recent downturn in the marketplace has triggered growing interest in providing warranties for resale homes.
Those auctioning the vehicles likely have no knowledge of its mechanical condition beyond the obvious (such as rust), and are generally exempt from providing warranties.
Their technology section is great too and they always seem to provide generous warranties at no extra cost.
Circuit City is used to financing long-term sales and to providing extended warranties, two key components of the auto business.
The commission's recommendations, if they become law, would require builders to provide much broader warranties and would simplify the arbitration process.
This was a risky proposition because he had to deliver the goods and provide warranties.