Alternatively, Congress could enact legislation to provide more favorable treatment than under existing law.
Principle 7 argues against amnesties as "generally inconsistent with the obligation of states to provide accountability for serious crimes under international law."
The general comment provides an authoritative interpretation of the right to housing in legal terms under international law.
Civil affairs units provide legal services to about-to-deploy troops such as wills and counseling on legal protections under federal and state law.
The payroll tax rates would continue to be lower - by about 1 percentage point - than provided for under current law for the next 30 years.
The moral rights provided under Australian law now are:
This planner provides detailed information about your Social Security retirement benefits under current law.
It would provide benefits beyond the basic 26 weeks' unemployment compensation much more widely than under current law.
"Legally," the senior official said, "our position and the position shared by others is that Article 51 provides a sufficient basis under international law for further action."
As provided under electoral law, the party formed a State Committee, several County Committees, and set up county organizations.