The officer has served in five overseas posts, providing logistical support to intelligence gathering and covert operations, the officials said.
Lenox Hill Neighborhood House has 700 active volunteers who provide critical support to their programs and operations.
It has provided direct support to federal operations by deploying personnel to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait.
The headquarters, which is responsible for all administrative works, as well as providing intelligence to operations.
Engineers provide support to deployed operations and domestic installations.
They provide vital support to British military operations and gather intelligence which gives us a key national advantage in developing foreign and security policy.
The case suggests a loose arrangement of terrorist sympathizers around Europe who officials say have provided support to terrorist operations in a number of countries.
Examples of the support DI has provided to operations are:
Farstad's key activities are providing support services to offshore rigs and other offshore operations.
Figure 1 provides an overview of the various types of risks to computer-based operations.