These buses provides transportation for people throughout the state of Maharashtra.
His proposal - perhaps with an eye toward re-election - provides $567 million in aid increases for bus systems throughout the state.
Outreach education services are also provided throughout the state of Victoria.
They provide teens throughout the state with vital information about the harms of tobacco use.
This public limited company provides reliable, round-the-clock drinking water throughout the state.
"And it provides one potential model for replication throughout the state."
Provides membership in a professional association for all persons in the legal field throughout the state of Kansas.
Over 160 capital improvement projects have been accomplished, which have provided new and improved access to sites throughout the state.
SearchOhio's aims to provide easy access to information and rapid delivery of library materials throughout the state.
It provides $15.6 billion to public schools throughout the state, $848 million more than last year.