Moutiny is a telecommunications company providing mobile telephony and wireless internet services in Iraq.
The company needed to move beyond providing clever telephony to technically minded individuals to providing plug and play products to ordinary small business people.
It is this extra software which will enhance the intelligence of the telephone networks and allow them to provide special services rather than simple telephony.
The private telecommunications company 'Entel is located in the city and provides telephony, Internet, cell phone, data and voice services.
The company provides satellite internet and telephony to primary schools and high schools, universities, government institutions etc. from five continents.
M:tel is hoping to provide fixed telephony and internet services to other cities throughout Montenegro by the end of the year.
The company provides fixed telephony and Internet services of national coverage.
Karta Svyazi is a user-friendly prepaid long-distance telephone card service designed to provide telephony and access to the internet for people on the go.
Tele2 which provides telephony and internet.
Sotelma provides local telephony, international telephony, internet service and mobile telephone service, etc.