Moviefone pulls in part of its revenue by providing studios with a way to advertise their movies (16 cents a call).
It will provide dormitories, studios, offices and classrooms for the ballet school and several other institutions.
The building, a former school that dates from the 1890's, presents art exhibitions during the fall, winter and spring, and provides low-cost studios for artists.
The 2-22 is a six-floor building which will provide modern studios for cultural uses.
The pavilion's upper floor is dedicated to the College's art department, providing new studios for photography and fine art foundation classes.
The house was leased to the Trust to provide accommodation and studios for artists at a modest rent.
The network had six stations of its own and relied largely on private affiliates to provide studios, equipment and staff.
It provides studios for 25 artists and attracted over 700 visitors to the 2009 Bridport Open Studios event.
It also provides meeting rooms and studios.
Reade's Department Store, forlorn for 25 years, now provides residential studios for 61 artists.