Over the next nine months, Pérez met with investigators more than 50 times and provided more than 4,000 pages in sworn testimony.
Nader then provided more than 20 pages of issues that he felt were important and he "put them on the table" for John Kerry.
In addition to her email, Stanton provided two pages of "historical information about myself and my plans for the future."
All but the end sheets are painted on both sides, providing 76 pages.
The study provided 400 pages of analysis and suggestions.
They were officially audited, and provided 8,776 pages of information documenting their activities.
The third issue provided four pages on London's underground film festival.
The agency said it provided more than 200,000 pages of data, covering 56 months starting in October 2001, to the Syracuse researchers.
The Mozambican team provided 11 pages of suggested corrections to the draft, some of which were adopted by the Board.
They provided 6 pages of women's contributions and addressed gender roles and slavery.