The group talked to Wyland's organization, which provided photos, video and other technical information.
The organization kept a photo file to provide photos to the media for such events as Temple dedications.
Over the next nine months, the two photographed the war, providing photos to European publications.
The Fairfax bank, for example, provides adult photos if the donor agrees.
The newspaper's website continued to provide news, features, sports, photos and video on a daily basis until it shut down nearly seven months later.
This master's thesis provides photos of the interior as it looks today.
Once there they attempt to get close enough to the action to provide written accounts, photos, or film footage.
This local genealogy page provides photos and a contemporary newspaper report of the wreck.
It is such a tease and you can provide such glorious photos for other things.
Most operations provide video and photos if you want a record of your dive.