"We are not in the position to provide the result on the ground that the people of this country are expecting."
The small team provides an international presence on the ground in one of Sudan's most remote regions.
We will provide security in the air, under the sea, on the ground.
If the birds don't get the fruit first, they persist well into the colder months and provide a colorful accent on the ground.
For all the howling and rushing of the night before, the storm had deposited only enough snow to provide a light blanket on the ground.
During the battle they also provided close air support for the Marines and Soldiers on the ground.
Infantry fire-coordination was provided in the air and on the ground.
We have also seen a dramatic increase in death threats against people providing assistance on the ground to more vulnerable groups.
The second step along this path will be to provide logistical assistance on the ground.
Kennedy provides many visual warning clues on the ground.