You sent me to Washington to provide leadership on a number of issues, rooted in a larger philosophical purpose.
Optional concealed headlamps provided further distinction on a small number of 1969 models.
"We know based on our own intelligence that there is still information they can provide us on a number of cases."
New communication environments provide essentially unlimited information on a large number of issues, which can be obtained anywhere and with relatively limited effort.
Archaeology has provided direct evidence for this devastation on a number of sites in Britain.
In addition, he is widely credited with having provided moral leadership on a number of key issues.
These boards provide counsel and guidance on a number of strategic decisions at the college.
The University provides professional diving qualifications on a number of its courses, the only university in the country to do so.
This scheme provides training on a number of business issues, including:
However, last week's recommendation was made in the expectation that the Commission would provide final clarification on a number of outstanding points.