China needs to move quickly to regulate the blood supply and provide clean needles to injecting drug users.
One of them, a 30-year-old prostitute who said her first name was Summer, sneered at the idea that providing free needles would promote drug use.
North Korea's health care system is unable to provide sterilized needles, clean water, food, and medicine.
One measure that has been tried in Europe is to provide sterile needles to any addicts who want them.
That agency provides clean needles and services to drug users.
Forty-nine states now have some system for providing clean needles to addicts.
"And if providing free needles will stop it, that's fine."
And if our junkies want to shoot up, we'll provide clean needles.
Should we, for example, provide needles to drug users who live on the streets?
University Hospital in Newark already runs a similar program, though without providing free needles.