He is founder of the Children's Free Immunization Clinic, which has provided free immunizations to many thousands of local children since 1983.
States and eligible projects enroll physicians who serve eligible patients up to and including age 18 years and who provide routine immunizations.
Practicing nurses and nursing students, medical assistants, pharmacists, and other health professionals who provide immunizations.
They provided immunizations, delivery for pregnant women, and improvement of sanitation.
Long's statewide public health programs dramatically reduced the death rate in Louisiana and provided free immunizations to nearly 70 percent of the population.
It provides urgent care services, immunizations, physicals, drug screening, and care for injured workers.
Goals include providing immunizations and tutoring for children and rehabilitating housing.
That's what the law which will provide immunizations for all children under 2 by 1996 is about.
They provide checkups, immunizations, Pap tests and hypertension screening.
Similarly, the Government often provides immunizations for specific diseases.