The same agencies that provide labor spies often provide guards who act in concert with the intelligence services.
Each of the foreign nations would provide guards around the perimeter and around the clock.
All three regiments provide both active soldiers and ceremonial guards.
The city pays the state about $45 million a year to administer the prisons and to provide correction officers or guards.
He added, "What we're after is for the company to provide armed guards for our people."
Best known as a maker of automotive parts, it also provides protective services and guards.
Her father was still negotiating for the right to call her every night and provide armed guards, but that was to be expected.
I'll provide guards, to get them off this ship and onto yours.
Stocks of companies providing equipment or guards have risen sharply since Sept. 11.
The second tragedy is the Whitman administration didn't provide guards with protective vests months ago.