Many stepwells were also used for leisure, providing relief from the daytime heat.
To provide some relief from the heat, the soldiers and marines have rolled up the sides of the tents.
The mud and the lukewarm water were not entirely refreshing, but they provided some relief from the heat.
Workers relied on water coolers to provide relief from the heat and avoid dehydration.
Huge industrial fans provide some relief from the heat.
The scanty showers during this period do not provide any relief from the oppressive heat.
The mountains provide a refuge from the heat as does the nearby reservoir lake at Caramany.
These practices, and the sports days themselves, normally take place on the schools' fields, which provide little relief from the heat and sun.
When it functions, the large fans in the rooms provide relief from the heat.
How could this little house of sticks, flimsier than anything the three pigs ever built, provide so much protection from the heat?