The initial goal was to provide a "fresh air" experience for children from the city whose behavior negated other summer options.
Most cruise ships have a "Florence on your own" excursion, providing transport to and from the city but leaving you free to explore.
As with Adjaye's other buildings, the exterior wall provides a protective screen from the city.
What's more, the novelty of providing Manhattan's power players with a complete golfing experience a John Daly tee shot from the city is spreading.
The nonprofit agency has provided respites from the city for more than 1.7 million children since 1877.
The original mill was under the ownership of the Bishop of Lichfield and provided him with an important income from the city.
St. Louis, by contrast, was forced by court order to provide subsidized transportation for children from the inner city to attend 16 suburban school districts.
The landscape was sparsely populated until for decades, and a surrounding woodland provided a bucolic environment seemingly separate from the city of which it was part.
After all, the competition was set up in 1975 to provide opportunities for young women, particularly from the inner city, to get exposure to top-flight competition.
H Map This café provides respite from the city in a little alleyway off the square.