The organizers say they hope to attract another 50 contributors who will provide $1 million each, for a total of $100 million.
In January, 1932 the Home completed a $92,000 expansion which provided room for a total of 41 residents.
The M22 also provided for a total of 6 missiles, three on each side of the aircraft.
The law provided for a total of $24,000,000 in annual funding between 2003-2006.
A total of 140 fishermen were provided with $250 per week for a total of four weeks.
The agreement would provide 20,000 additional visas this year, for a 1998 total of 85,000.
These extra resources would provide for a total of about 35 new maps each year.
For the 2010-2011 budget year the district was provided with a 2% increase in state basic education funding for a total of $24,265,721.
Each voivodeship and powiat provided two people for a total of 42-49 judges.
An empty parcel was rezoned to provide 200 additional parking spaces for a total of 3,500.