It is meant to provide distance learning gained through real rather than virtual distance.
Member companies represent a diverse set of communications-related businesses, including those that provide wireless, Internet, cable television, long distance, local exchange, and voice services.
Better equipment will ease up the game's difficulty a bit by providing greater accuracy, distance, and control.
GT&T provides local, long distance and international voice services; they also offer prepaid cards for use with land lines.
There is also a small University of Alaska office that provides distance and even some local classes for the small community.
Events provide lighthearted competition, rating accuracy, speed, distance and style.
It provides paragraph summary, distance, direction, and Wikipedia article connection for each location.
Yet the reader is offered no mask, no gloves, to provide distance from the horror.
Going home at night provides physical distance from the relentlessness of all teenagers, all the time, and, ideally, parents provide perspective.
Personal lightning detection systems are also available, which may provide strike time, azimuth, and distance.