In most examples, it is the association of the avenue with other contemporary monuments that provides diagnosis.
Americium-241 gamma rays were also used to provide passive diagnosis of thyroid function.
As a consequence, we haven't moved the health care profession into a world where nurses can provide diagnosis and care.
The center is one of eight centers throughout the state that provide diagnosis, management, education, information and support for Alzheimer's patients and their families.
It aims at providing for children comprehensive psychological assessment, diagnosis and intervention service.
These clinics provide not only the public health functions, but also diagnosis, treatment and mental-health services.
The report insists that doctors must provide "prompt, authoritative diagnosis", appropriate advice and early access to treatment.
The unit would however continue to provide diagnosis and non-surgical treatment.
Other types of tests, however, provide more complete and systematic diagnosis and in less time.
There must be support for methods of providing early diagnosis.