He spent $22 million to provide new computers and printers to intermediate schools.
Hardware shortages in schools became a major issue, leaving many teachers unable to provide enough computers for students to use.
Speech recognition provides computers with the ability to listen to spoken language and determine what has been said.
Libraries provide computers and Internet access to allow people to search for information online.
Where is the money coming from to provide 'cutting edge' materials and computers on which to do this work?
In addition to its books, the library also provides computers, internet use and printer.
The next step in setting up the system is to ask computer companies to bid on providing computers and programs for the system.
This is far more important than providing bicycles and computers.
And $1.1 billion has been spent to provide computers and other capital improvements for Georgia schools.
The government has announced an increase to the education budget, in order to provide computers for every classroom.