Following the turnaround, riders encounter a large camel back that provides significant airtime.
As such, the design now features a helix, while still providing airtime not unlike that which the High Speed Thrill Coaster was known for.
And he hopes to level the playing field for challengers and incumbents by providing free airtime for candidates.
Argument No. 1: Both McCain and Bradley would require that as a condition of FCC licenses, TV stations be required to provide free airtime to candidates.
Each hill on the coaster is precisely angled to provide maximum airtime.
During these years, it was a continuing effort to persuade media sources to provide the best spots and airtime.
The series took a week off due to July 4 weekend and to provide additional airtime for The Bachelorette season finale.
On live events RadioTux is being supported by the free radio station Kanal Ratte which provides studio equipment, streaming servers and airtime.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has also provided airtime to Leunig to discuss his views on a range of political and philosophical issues.
Other broadcasters would provide only limited airtime.