The Eagles have provided support for medical centers across the country to build and provide research for medical conditions.
By 1960, the Federation's grassroots volunteers had provided family planning counseling in hundreds of communities across the country.
Several thousand residents were provided food, clothing and shelter across the country in mass-feeding shelters.
At these firms he has provided advice to clients on the handling of lawsuits across the country in federal and state courts.
But the committee leadership has been unwilling to provide homeland security financing to areas across the country based solely on risk.
Ever since, Scarnecchia has occasionally provided advocacy in similar cases across the country.
Experts in Indian law say the cases provide a view of battles over tribal membership across the country.
However, it provides support and events across the country at national, regional and local levels.
Citizen journalists provided an alternative to the official media in their portrayal of the protests and the turmoil across the country.
Coaches are mainly operated by private companies and provide services widely across the country.