The program, known as Section 8, provides housing for about 4.3 million poor people around the country, mainly the elderly, disabled and children.
Residential care is provided by local authorities for about 105,000 old people in England and Wales.
It provided service to about 100,000 local people of Kushinagar district.
The $432 million is expected to provide training for about 92,000 people in the program year beginning July 1, the Labor Department says.
Mr. Woo and two colleagues provide names for about 100 people a year, he said.
The company provides jobs for about 80,000 people in the Puget Sound region and is by far the area's largest private employer.
The river provides drinking water for about 50,000 people in the region who receive their water from its aquifer.
They also provided details about two other people, not mentioned before, saying they had been stopped at the last minute from lighting themselves.
It is expected to provide employment for about 330 people, out of a total of 1,600 employees based in Singapore.
One recent afternoon at the offices where the association provides such advice two days a week, about 10 people waited quietly for their turn.