They trust a school with proven values for the poor which can help them engage this new power in the urban world.
But many doctors show little enthusiasm for the measure, saying marijuana has no proven medicinal value.
Graphology, or the analysis of handwriting as a means to understand character, has no proven scientific value and is not widely used by American companies.
Above three stones the number was not specified because this had no proven value.
Nor does the law's proven value in keeping guns out of the wrong hands come into play.
"Race is not only imprecise but also of no proven value in treating an individual patient," Schwartz wrote.
It has yet to be of proven value, but studies are currently in progress.
Despite the proven value of the programme, research is still continuing.
But expensive organ transplants of proven value will be paid for.
Beautility, including the proven economic value of improvements, influenced Australian town planning.