He sums himself up by saying: "I'm a proven leader.
A victory at Jenne might well have saved the empire, keeping the tribes united under a strong and proven leader.
If they are near, then Messier, a proven leader, might push the club over the top.
"He's a proven leader; I know him well," he said.
Now more than ever, you need a proven leader who will protect jobs and keep families safe.
According to this philosophy, successful, proven Christian leaders and pastors fulfill the role of apostles.
Ingraham prides himself on being a tried, tested, and proven leader.
He is a skilled and proven military leader, but I have learned not to trust his judgement in victory.
And most corporations prefer to issue new securities through Wall Street firms that are the proven leaders.
And recently, there has been a greater willingness to hire a younger insider or a proven leader of a smaller company.