This proved unmanageable.
James proves unmanageable, shooting at every creature in sight and spoiling Holtzinger's shots.
It was begun in fresco, a process which proved unmanageable.
When the number of requests proved unmanageable, the Zork Users Group began a pay-per-hint telephone system.
But when its upkeep proved unmanageable, she sold the place, and it fell into the hands of a group of hunters who used Auldbrass as a lodge.
Such wings proved unmanageable, with the crews too much on the brink of disaster for consistent success.
A thorough-going economic restructuring, of course, also proved unmanageable without first dismantling the authoritarian-bureacratic system.
Mr. Ellison says the strategy will prove costly and unmanageable for businesses.
Mrs. McGuire proved more unmanageable than he anticipated.
Kalinowski's remains were originally kept in the convent cemetery, but this proved unmanageable because of the large number of pilgrims who came visiting.