Yangon proved uneconomic and was dropped from the route the following year.
The line was proving uneconomic and the cessation of passenger services could not save its poor financial state.
After her engines proved uneconomic, she had her paddles removed and she was converted into a sailing vessel.
When this proved uneconomic, he switched the Ansett Motors operation to a Ballarat to Hamilton service.
This proved uneconomic and the ship and its cargo was auctioned on 23 July 1859.
Production of the maximum possible yield might, for example, require too high a consumption of an expensive starting material or the process might take too long and thus prove uneconomic.
Twin Otters were tried for a while, but proved uneconomic on short routes.
The tourist railway used former S&L equipment and stations, however by the late 1970s it was proving uneconomic to operate and was closed.
However steam propulsion proved uneconomic, and electrification was selected.
The Forestry Commission planted the moss with pine and western hemlock during the 1940s, which proved uneconomic.