As much as she did not want to drag the Federation into this, that might prove unavoidable.
The outcome of the next impending battle--if it proved unavoidable--seemed by no means certain, though it promised brutal deaths for many.
But when the ice proved unavoidable, he plowed straight into it, the Drani tsyn's rounded hull easily crashing through the floes and leaving a trail of frozen rubble in its wake.
The argument is that Germany must develop self-sufficiency in food supplies because it might again prove impossible to deal a swift knockout to her enemies and a protracted total war might prove unavoidable.
I assure you that Starways Congress has promised not to use the M.D. Device unless it proves absolutely unavoidable, and that is so unlikely that I can't believe it would happen.
The interview with Nesso had proved unavoidable.
It is a process that has proved unavoidable for the Emperors of the past four centuries and it is but one sign of the increasing difficulty of conducting the affairs of the Empire.
How could she tell the idealistic young woman that the DY-100 was Gary Seven's backup plan, just in case World War III proved unavoidable?
When military intervention proves unavoidable, we should be less fastidious about national sovereignty, and all the more determined to set right the underlying political conditions that led to disaster.
We appreciate that a number of exceptions or a transitional period may prove unavoidable for reasons of political expediency.