And what if being at the seismic center of this media blitz proved overwhelming?
It proved overwhelming for Richard, who died just 3 weeks after the move to 57th street at the age of 69 of a heart attack.
Those who work at abortion clinics say the obstacles may prove overwhelming to many of their clients.
The meeting, now that it had actually come about, proved overwhelming.
For all those who went out of their way to avoid math and economics courses in school, this may prove overwhelming.
Although Natalie and Richard fight against their attraction, it proves overwhelming.
But sometimes the red tape proves overwhelming, and patients give up.
Yet, even they will be forced to innovate in the end, for the odds against success may prove overwhelming.
They said the practical difficulties could prove overwhelming and undo years of progress toward reducing class size.
The challenges of creating a community in isolation from the rest of society ultimately proved overwhelming.