He takes care of his own, he rewards loyalty, and by the same token he can be ruthless to those who prove disloyal.
This morning, I could not risk sparing any who might prove disloyal.
He is said to have left a curse on any owner of Upsall who should prove disloyal to his king and country.
The result has been that a number of those elected on MVR platforms were distrusted by the masses, and in some cases have proved disloyal.
He switched sides only after his own team proved disloyal to him.
Petronia proved disloyal and reported the conspiracy to Phocas.
From Prince Władysław's view the revolt had been motivated by anti-Polish sentiments and the German citizens proved disloyal.
"Crash" was right: investors proved adamantly disloyal, sending Philip Morris shares down 22 percent - a $13 billion loss of market value.
"Who is your heir, now, Emperor of Rezhmia, since Reingish proved disloyal?"
Indra first sends a supernatural bird Suparna to retrieve the cows, but he proves disloyal.