And even getting people their money may prove more challenging than in past catastrophes.
Many problems have proved much more challenging than originally thought.
But creating a movie distribution company is likely to prove challenging.
The project on which he is now concentrating may prove just as challenging.
In the case of his English landscapes this has proved challenging.
The community's efforts to close the plant have proved challenging because it is also regulated by the state, he said.
Developing a constructive working relationship with him over the next few days might prove challenging.
The nature and variety of the symptoms may also prove challenging.
As with others in this area, the site has proved challenging.
Although unusual it certainly did not prove too challenging for the team from Birmingham.
Russia's export of nuclear technology to Iran could also prove challenging for the United States.
While the trail is relatively short, parts of it are steep and may prove challenging to some visitors.
The rapidly growing company soon proved challenging for Hastings as he lacked managerial experience.
Through the years the stage has fought several limitations, a 37-foot roof is well below the norm which often proves challenging to book shows.
But the labels also proved challenging to stronger readers.
Libatique relied on the use of natural light, which proved challenging for scenes shot indoors.
This proved challenging for the art department, who extensively looked for a suitable building in Croatia to use.
Finding a typewriter that could accommodate these unique needs proved challenging for the writer.
The result was great television, but it also proved challenging for Apatow and the other writers.
Such nuances may prove especially challenging for school district administrators who have to comply with the new state reporting requirement.