Part of the reason such issues went unaddressed was that deciding the five Senators' fate proved more arduous and time-consuming than expected.
His advice was proven well-founded when the party's horses began to die of diseases and the route simply proved too arduous to continue.
But for the companies, dealing with Indians has proved arduous.
Well, that should not prove too arduous.
Knocking on doors to ferret out voters proved even more arduous.
The negotiations proved arduous and protracted, and by mid-1985 the talks had bogged down.
I'll confess there've been times when I feared the tosk wud prove too arduous for me.
As he had not played trumpet for the better part of three years, regaining his famed embouchure proved particularly arduous.
Soler's troops had to go down a tiny path that proved long and arduous, and took longer than expected.
Despite initial fears that completing the assessments would prove arduous, workers and managers have found the forms useful for identifying gaps in care.