On Salon.com, Laura Miller wrote that "Nick's secret, the one that supposedly provides the book's suspense, proves anticlimactic."
Last Thursday a much-anticipated race between the two top American syndicates proved anticlimactic when America One, unable to hoist its mainsail because of rig damage, retired after two legs.
If the result of the governor's race proved anticlimactic, it came at the end of what may well have been the most unpredictable political year in New Jersey history.
However, the games proved anticlimactic when the U.S. lost, 9-1, to Yugoslavia in the first round.
On September 13, 2006 Geiberger actually died, which proved somewhat anticlimactic in light of the elaborate mourning of his initial "passing."
For fans of academic intrigue, the story at Yale threatens to prove disappointingly anticlimactic.
But his testimony proved anticlimactic.
But the activation itself proved anticlimactic.
The event proved anticlimactic as One Man unseated Tony Dobbin at the fifth-last fence and Jodami falling two fences later.
Mr. Wolfe long ago promised a sequel on Apollo, but he may well suspect the story would prove anticlimactic.