It's such a provable fact, they should be required by law to include it in the author's bio on his book jackets.
As for caring-well, that's outside the realm of provable fact.
I don't know much about her as far as provable facts are concerned.
Their purpose is to be fair to both parties, disallowing the raising of allegations without a basis in provable fact.
No, Rupen, nothing of this is as yet hard, provable fact.
Boris was required to deal with provable facts rather than the intuitive or psychic realities.
Above all else a real conspiracy is evidenced by provable facts.
What had before been only a theoretical concern, they contend, turns out to be provable fact.
But social studies seems bent on presenting bias denuded of provable fact, which is dangerous for society.
Unless you have the law and provable facts on your side, fighting an eviction notice is usually shortsighted.