In the sitting room, he proudly exhibited the blue needlepoint rug with birds, flowers and Chinese symbols that his wife worked on for a decade.
But, the old man accepts even this diversion with good heart and treasures every letter received from Mali and proudly exhibits it to anyone who cares to listen.
Students also proudly exhibited their work competing for ribbons.
Westchester County gave a 75th birthday party for the parkway last year, complete with an album of proudly exhibited photographs.
And in a sadly grotesque parody of above-ground middle-class life, a number of them proudly exhibit their ingeniously improvised "houses."
Each fellow, after the climax, got up and proudly exhibited his throbbing tool covered with blood.
But it's hardly a work of art that you can proudly exhibit to your friends, like a Turner or a Freud.
He proudly exhibited blisters and calluses on his hands from his work.
Now, in the Gorbachev era, paper architecture has joined other arts proudly exhibited abroad.
To anyone doubting his passion for manual labor, Mr. Brown proudly exhibits his calloused nurseryman's hands.