In doing so, it may help pave the way to protracted recovery.
A more protracted recovery and stable demand would level out rental rates by the latter half of 2009.
During his protracted recovery, Mr. Wasas was asked by a friend to design an environmentally friendly gold refining system.
Since surgery on small hand joints with severe arthritis can be traumatic with protracted recovery, newer treatments are being developed.
Between the loss of Jacobs and a protracted recovery from knee surgery of Robert B. Sherman, Huckleberry Finn suffered creatively.
Madam President, having experienced not just the trauma of BSE but the very protracted and painful recovery until we recently secured the return of British beef exports, none of us wants to see that happen again.
Beyond that, if the burns were truly just second-degree, she'd avoid painful skin grafts and a protracted recovery.
In 2016, average household disposable income will be lower in real terms than it was in 2006 due to the recession and protracted recovery - another record.