Her refusal to appoint an independent prosecutor virtually assures a protracted and potentially disruptive Congressional investigation.
But the second Cianci administration, like the first, has been dogged by a protracted federal investigation into municipal corruption.
The Bush administration had once vowed to avoid protracted Congressional investigations like those that plagued the Clinton administration.
And even if I did, there was no way I could afford a protracted investigation on my government salary.
That is what the protracted investigation is trying to resolve.
They originally set out to create a police drama loosely based on Burns' experiences working on protracted investigations of violent drug dealers using surveillance technology.
Meanwhile, adoptive parents face protracted investigation, with many potentially loving candidates ruled out for reasons of age and ethnicity.
The President's alleged offenses were a result of entrapment after a protracted, unfruitful investigation, motivated by an extraordinary malice.
Now the expensive, overly protracted investigation has ended in a negotiated wrist-slap for Mr. Cisneros.
The show's most protracted investigation is of the Pantheon in Rome.