The first act of this new coalition was to set a term to the country's protracted economic agony, a promise of return to prosperity and hope.
Part of the protracted agony involved in creating the show (reams of material for which never got used) arose from an aversion to coming across as heavy-handed.
"It's ... just flatulence," Lucinda apologized in consternation as though in denial she was reacting against her protracted agony.
Death swiftly at your hand or some protracted agony of drowning, which would the poor man have preferred?
Do we want to establish a precedent for the future harassment of presidents and to tie up our government with a protracted national agony of search and accusation?
Couples would no longer be required to seek a legal separation of up to one year before filing for divorce, "a protracted agony," he said in a telephone interview.
Some were for immediate murder, others like the thought of the more protracted agony of the guillotine, but all wanted this man's death.
He had an end to his protracted agony.
The only question then is in what manner you will cease to live--whether in protracted agony or, instead, easily, when with one quick gulp of water..." "Enough!
It has been said that the disaster, "for sheer protracted agony, has no parallel in climbing annals."