The experimental protocol involved only Dana-Farber and not other hospitals.
Think-aloud protocols involve participants thinking aloud as they are performing a set of specified tasks.
The Battle Tag system has received an enthusiastic response from a small community of hackers that are reverse engineering the protocols involved.
It is important to note that our protocol for generating first-strand cDNA target involves the use of random primers.
A simple protocol that does not rely on a human third party involves password changing.
The current protocol, termed "floral-dip", involves simply dipping a flower into a solution containing Agrobacterium, the DNA of interest, and a detergent.
One protocol for analyzing gene expression involves first isolating total RNA.
The protocol involved considerable risk, especially for me, and Rachel didn't want me scanned at all.
This protocol involves the browser, an identity provider, and any compliant website.
We cannot compare them because the protocol with Morocco would have involved EUR 500 million over a four-year period.