The government also tried to block most social media websites, which the protesters had used to spread news about the events.
And federal authorities say they fear that some protesters will use it as a tool of disruption or destruction.
For Iranian officials, the need for such a network became more evident after the disputed presidential elections in 2009, when many protesters used social networks.
However he admitted protesters did not use live rounds and promised that "Investigations will happen.
Many protesters used the bathrooms of nearby business establishments.
The protesters also used long wooden poles to keep the ladders from reaching the roof, and managed to hold them at bay.
According to reports from the capital, some protesters were using spears, slingshots and other homemade weapons to fight back.
Occupy protesters use tents to create camps in public places wherein they can form communities of open discussion and democratic action.
The equipment that the protesters used, such as radio, were confiscated.