In an unusual move, the protesters are now facing federal prosecution after a jury deadlocked in state court.
If caught, the protesters faced charges of arson, robbery, riot, machine breaking and assault.
These protesters face layoffs as a result of the plant's proposed closure.
The protesters in New York do not face bullwhips, bombs, tear gas, vicious attack dogs, fire hoses and mass arrests.
One difficulty that protesters face is that no plans for the bridge have been officially announced.
This was followed by a warning issued from the Prime minister that protesters must disperse or face imminent military action.
But organizers said protesters faced less violence this year.
The protesters faced charges of arson, robbery, riot, machine breaking and assault.
The protesters face a maximum of one year in jail and a fine of $500 on charges of unlawful trespass.
The protesters dared Bush to step out and face them.